The future date arrived and we found ourselves hovering in the doorway to the D.O.C. peering into a dark, clubby atmosphere. There is little instruction on whether one should sit or approach the bar so we regrouped and headed to the pub next door, Dunlay's. To our happy surprise, they served the wine flights from the Wine D.O.C.
We ordered a couple of wine flights and during a jaunt through the three California reds, we came upon a 2006 Broadside Cabernet. To be fair, my palate might have been a little warn thin at the time so anything smooth and easygoing would probably have a heavy appeal.
A couple of weeks later, we stopped in again and ordered the California reds a second time. This time, I recalled the 2006 Broadside and made a note of it.
As it turns out, the 2006 Broadside is pretty much out of stock in any larger Binny’s or Sam’s warehouse. But I did find a 2007 Broadside and snatched it up right away.
I brought it to Notnits and we opened her up.
I am fairly new to drinking wine in any way other than at a party or a table Red with dinner, so I’ve built up a few weird prejudices about what I drink. Firstly, I’m always a little put off when the wine has a really intense color…like purple. This might come from some childhood notions abut Welch’s grape juice or Nehi. I see a deep plumy purple in my glass and it looks like a kid’s drink. Shouldn’t there by more of a rusty brown in there?
That said, the plumy purple was beautiful and thick. Holding it up to the light, I could barely make out a dim glow. But it was there…like late afternoon sun through stained glass.
Then there was the taste. It coats the mouth well and starts out sweet, earthy and dark and ends up with a dry light spice in the finish. As Notnits noted, “It’s like coming up out of a cave.”
We had some pesto left over from the vat I made a few nights ago, and experimented with the flavors in the pasta. It paired very well…the basil enhancing the woodsy notes in the wine.
I drank quite a bit of it.
This is the type of wine you can feel good about bringing to a dinner party or giving to friend who is just getting into wine (even someone who isn’t). It’s under $20, and drinking it is smooth and easy. A definite repeat purchase.
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